Monday, November 04, 2013

I have not accessed the blogspot for one year and 2 days. In the past one year, my life had changed a lot. From jobless to become a freelance tourist guide, it was not easy to have this kind of changes in life.

The boleh land general election had not made big impact to the nation politic. The citizens are still facing hardship and the government does not seem to care much about the lower and middle income communities. To make the matter worse, the cops are supporting the rich people to rob the poor people.

In year 2015, the lower and middle income groups are going to face GST nightmare. What can they do to overcome their problem? If they do multiple low income jobs, they are not going to bring much good to their family. The kids are unlikely to have a happy family life because they cannot see their parents more often. They are likely to be taken care by a babysitter or the kid's grandparents.

The recent budget 2014, the foreigners can only buy over 1 million ringgit property. This move is going to create another social problem to middle income group. Soon or later, the boleh land property is going to jump further and make the middle income group people are even harder to find their dream house. The politicians are talking providing low cost and rebate. Even with the intensive and rebate are given by the government, the banks are not willing to loan any money to the middle income group and turns out they cannot buy a dream house. At the end, who suffers? Middle income group or the foreigners? I let you the readers to figure out the answer.
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