Thursday, March 24, 2005


Poor Business Part II.

One of my friends advised me no to run a business but worked as a normal employee. Other friends said if I did not run business, I would not get richer. I agree the second statement but will not fully sponsor this argument. Why? If one runs a business, one does not gurantee s/he can success in this fast changing business environment. One year success in business, it does not gurantee that the business will continue to grow futher.

Look at some companies in USA. Some companies have big cash on hand pre-911. Post 911, some of those companies went backcrupt. Why? Poor management? I do not know. If you know the answer, please tell me. I do not have a business related degree.

During the Malaysia economic crisis, many multinational and local companies laid off their employees. Many employees could not find job in that period. Many of them started their low capital business such as selling food, noodle and etc to make end meet. They cannot withdraw their EPF not until they reach 55 years old.

When gas price increases, everyone is shouting. Days or weeks later, consumer products and transportation companies urge the government to incrase their products or service price if the products or service price controlled by Malaysia government.

Who will suffer a lot? Definitely, it is the poor man. The rich man does not care. Why should s/he care about it? The poor man will always claim no money to survive and tighten their belt to overcome the hard time. To make the matter worser, they do not have pay increment. What to do next is the big question mark.

Last but certainly, let the pray the inflation is maintain at healthy level so that everyone will be happy. :)
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